Sanaz's posts

Final posters 

                                                           Poster 2

                                                         Poster 1

 My working process (posters 1 and 2)

I have started my posters and I have been working on it seen yesterday.
I want to use film strip as the main background of my posters and put all pictures on that. I want to show the process of computer growth and a film strips are a good example to show a such process. I am going to use black and with picture for old pictures to show the oldness of them.
I ma working on computers on years 1900- 1940 and 1940-1960

After choosing my photos and decided about my idea. I open my photos by photoshop. I click on file-new- and choose international in preset part and than choose A4. 
Than I click on photos that I choose for background and drag them on main A4 page.
Tools that I use in my photoshop posters are:

Poster 1
  1. Magic tool, for select the area that I want to remove and than use Eraser tool or we can push E on the keyboard for erase the unneeded area.
  2. Ctrl+t for make selected photo bigger or smaller and I also hold the Ctrl to shaped photo like the frame that I want to put it into.
  3. For have shadow under photos in my poster I clicked on the photo and than I hold Alt key in the keyboard to have copy from that photo.Than in the menu bar Edit-transform-flip horizontal  after that reduce the photo opacity. ( now I have 2 picture and 2 shadow under them )
  4. After each step Ctrl+s to save what I done.

These are some photos that I took them to show my job duration.

For cut left hand from this picture: Magnetic tool. draw all over the hand and than use Move tool for drag to main page. than Ctrl +T to make in size.

This is the final step of my poster 1 , This poster need background and than it will be finish :-)
I am going to start poster number 2  :-)

Poster 2

the process of this poster is same as the first poster I am going to put some photos of my working process. 

in the first two picture I used film strip as background of my poster same as the first poster. I use same background because I want to show the process of computer growth . this poster shows computer age from 1949 - 1960.
for shows the oldness of process I made pictures black and white. Image, Adjustment , black and white
 I have finished the poster number 2 it just needs background . I am going to finishe my poster and upload the final picture of that. :-)

Early computers

The Abacus

For centuries the Abacus were widely used in Asia and Europe, and even Abacuses use in many countries toady. It calculating tool call as the earliest computer.

The abacus is still widely used by merchants in Asia and Africa



Apple Computer

home computer (1976)  
